My Story

How I GotHere

Hi! I’m Aubrey. Where do I even begin? If you know me, any story I tell requires at minimum 5 backstories for me to paint the full picture of the current story I’m trying to tell you, and that applies to me, my life, and how I ended up here. 

My fitness journey started when I was roughly 13. Looking back, I never would have considered myself overweight, but I was chubbier and taller and felt more awkward in my body compared to my peers. Throughout high school and college I was constantly trying to be a smaller version of myself. Smaller in my mind equaled better. Smaller was more feminine. Smaller would make me worthy of love from my parents and boys I had crushes on. 

Of course, this was and still is absolutely untrue. I remember doing HIIT workouts in my parent’s basement, running around my neighborhood, and following garbage Pinterst diets that promised me I would “lose 10 pounds in 1 week.” I was miserable, and hated the body that I lived in, that loved and cared for me.

Throughout high school, I loved playing sports. I was a 3 sport athlete (at a tiny school it’s not that impressive). Where I played basketball, volleyball, and softball. My school was so small, we didn’t have a weight room, so we were all incredibly weak! The summer before my Junior year of high school, one of my coaches took me and my best friend and threw us in the weight room. It was the most fun summer of my entire life. I was hooked. For the first time in my life, I saw muscle appear on my body. I felt confident with what I could do in the gym and this confidence stayed with me outside of the weight room. I was strong, and I loved it. 

Once I got to college, I stopped playing sports but still tried to continue to lift weights. I had no idea what I was doing. Between the influencer swipe workouts, stress from a new stage of life, the party lifestyle, and my not so great food choices, by time I got to my Sophomore year I was the most uncomfortable with my body than I had ever been before. I got all of my health and fitness information from instagram. I was desperate, and hated my body even more because I didn’t look like the influencers I saw online. 

So, as desperate as I felt, I scraped together every penny I had and hired an online coach. He sucked. Immediately he put me in a drastic calorie deficit (1,200 calories) and gave me a workout program that was never once updated in 6 months. Of course, I lost the weight, but I never learned how to sustain the weight loss and gained it all back that summer, plus more! The classic restrict and binge cycle had claimed another victim.

At this point in my life, I had had enough and took it into my own hands. I started learning everything I could about fitness and nutrition. I became a certified personal trainer and began training people at my college gym. I loved it, and loved directly having a hand in increasing people’s confidence and improving their quality of life. 

After graduation, I followed my now husband, then boyfriend across the country to Houston, Texas where I trained in a big box gym for two years. We moved to Mobile, Alabama in September of 2023 3 months after we got married! I started training at a smaller studio, but always had a dream of working for myself. I got pregnant in March of 2024, and this was my final push that forced me to take the leap into building my own business, and how I ended up here! 

My calling in life is to be for others, what the girl in me needed at the most vulnerable times of my life. Hopefully, this paints a picture of why I hate stupid workouts, bullshit diet advice, and scammy coaches and influencers who prey on your insecurities.